90 Day Trial
When you sign up as a loyal customer here is what that means and gets you access to!
You will save money with special 40% off pricing, you will earn 10% back on each order in perk points that you can redeem for FREE products!-- AND after 6 consecutive months of being a customer you will earn 50 bonus perk points and after 12 months you earn 150 bonus perk points!! You get rewarded just for staying consistent with your health and wellness goals! Total win-win in my book!!
The ONLY requirement is that you commit to trying the products for 90 days!
"Why 90 days?!" -- Well because that's how long it takes to see real lasting results whether it be with these products or any type of lifestyle change. You need to allow your body to adapt to the changes and that takes time and consistency.
"But what if I don't like the products?" -- Change up your next order and try something new! Theses boxes are 100% customizable and can be changed or modified at anytime. I work personally with you to help figure out why things may not be working well and find a system that will better suit your tastes. Everyone is different so it may take some experimenting to find that perfect product system pairing and that's why you have ME a highly trained and super passionate professional to help you out!
"What happens after the 90 days?"-- After your initial 90 day trial you can then begin to redeem all the perk points you've earned! You are then free to cancel your autoship and order only whenever you need or want more products. However should you continue on you will rack up those perk point bonuses!